Kevin StolarickResearch Advisor

Research Interests

Transforming big data into useful knowledge and meaningful business intelligence; importance of creativity and innovation to regional economic growth and prosperity; the interplay of urbanization, sustainability, and infrastructure in creating regional prosperity at a global level; individual and joint contributions of technology, talent, tolerance and territory assets to regional prosperity.

Teaching Interests

Urban Studies; City Building; Statistics/Quantitative Research Methods; Analysis of Large Data Sets; Regional Economic Development Consulting


  • Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership

    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

  • Ph.D. Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University

    The information technology (IT) "productivity paradox" is based on those studies that found little or no positive relationship between firm productivity and spending on IT. However, some earlier studies and other more recent studies have found a positive relationship. Given the large amounts spent by organizations on information systems, it is important to understand the relationship between spending on IT and productivity. Beyond replicating positive results, an explanation is needed for the conflicting conclusions reached by these earlier studies. Micro data collected by the Bureau of the Census was analyzed to investigate the relationship between plant-level productivity and spending on IT. This relationship has been investigated using assumptions and models similar to both studies with positive findings and studies with negative findings. The conflicting results can be explained by understanding the characteristics of both the data sample and firms analyzed in prior studies.

  • M.S. Industrial Administration (MBA), Information Systems Concentration

    Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University

  • B.S. Honors in Applied Computer Science

    Illinois State University